Jurassic ABG Tarantula Mix



Key Features:

  1. Specialized Tarantula Formula:

    • ABG Tarantula Mix is crafted with the unique needs of tarantulas in mind. The mix promotes a habitat that mirrors their natural environment.
  2. Enhanced Aeration and Drainage:

    • The inclusion of sand and cypress in the mix ensures optimal aeration and drainage, creating a substrate that prevents waterlogging and supports tarantulas' burrowing instincts. 
  3. Burrow-Friendly Environment:

    • The mix's composition supports tarantulas' natural burrowing instincts, allowing them to create secure retreats within the substrate.
    • Apply Jurassic Reptile Products ABG Tarantula Mix as the base substrate in your tarantula enclosure, ensuring a generous layer for burrowing and exploration.